” Việt Kiều Tiếng Anh Là Gì ? Việt Kiều Trong Tiếng Anh Là Gì

Việt kiều tiếng anh là gì

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The problem of collective identification of people living far from their homeland varies depending on historical circumstances and the concept and intentions of users. It is a common phenomenon for many expatriate communities around the world.

For example, for Korean residents in Japan, too, in the English text, the word “Korean residents in Japan” refers to their legal status, or “ethnic Koreans in Japan” refers to Japanese people. of Korean descent, or “Korean minority in Japan” to describe their relationship to Japanese society.

The issue becomes more complex and delicate in the Japanese and Korean languages. The official word in Japanese is “Zainichi Kankoku Chosenjin” which means South and North Korean Residents in Japan. Many Koreans in Japan prefer to be called and like to be called “Zainichi Korian” which means Korean resident to show the unity of their nation. Some people prefer to use the word “Chosenjin”, which is the Japanese name for Korea before the Korean-Japanese war to refer to their stateless status. The younger generation wants to identify themselves as belonging to a separate country, not a minority in Japan, so they don’t like to use the word Zainichi anymore.

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The same is true for the collective Vietnamese living abroad; Vietnamese people in the country often use the word “Viet Kieu”. Although this word is widely used among the masses and has such a special meaning that some people keep it the same when it comes to foreign languages ​​(Viet-kieu, a Viet-kieu, the Viet-kieu). The content of this word still has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

In addition, official documents of the Vietnamese government often use the phrase “overseas Vietnamese”, for example: “Committee on Overseas Vietnamese”, “Association for Liaison with Vietnamese in Vietnam”. Foreigners”… However, when translating into English, whether “Viet Kieu” or “Overseas Vietnamese”, the information agencies of the Vietnamese government all use the same word, “Overseas Vietnamese.”

Meanwhile, overseas, in community activities and media, the word commonly used is “Vietnamese Overseas Community”.

In fact, in terms of language, the word “overseas” is just the Sino-Vietnamese part of the word “foreign”, and when it comes to English, it usually uses the word “Overseas Vietnamese”, or sometimes uses “Vietnamese”. expatriates”. For example, in the writings of Prof. Le Xuan Khoa, the two words “Overseas Vietnamese” and “Vietnamese expatriates” are used as synonyms and interchangeably.

More recently, the word “Vietnamese diaspora” has been added. For example, the William Joiner Center three-year research program of the University of Massachusetts mentioned above also uses the word “Vietnamese Diaspora” in their project: “(Re) Constructing Identity and Place in the Vietnamese Diaspora”, and is translated into Vietnamese as “The performance of (re)building the appearance and homeland of overseas Vietnamese.”

The translation from “Vietnamese Diaspora” to “Vietnamese abroad” is also a point that many people raise to criticize the bias of William Joiner Center. For example, Mr. Nguyen Huu Luyen argued in an article about the research program of the University of Massachusetts that, “the word ‘Vietnamese Diaspora’ contextually and semantically must be translated as ‘Community of Vietnamese refugees’ because over 99% of Vietnamese living abroad today are communist refugees.”

The analysis below aims to find out the compatibility between the entity Vietnamese expatriates and the above names, first of all, the word “Vietnamese diaspora”, a word with very connotative meaning in the humanities, has been internationalization and most western languages ​​remain the same, but when translated into Vietnamese can become the subject of controversy.

Phrases Vietnamese Diaspora

In its etymology, the word Diaspora arose from the Jewish exile that began six centuries BC in Babylon, and then spread throughout the Mediterranean region, and throughout the modern continent, when where the state of Israel was established, the Jewish communities living outside the territory of Israel are still referred to as “Diaspora”. However, in the past century, especially after the two world wars and the re-demarcation of the borders of many countries, and especially because of the disputes of the Cold War, the number of people forced to leave their ancestral homeland has been increasing. Dragging life in foreign lands has increased, along with the formation of expatriate communities in many parts of the world.

According to Gs. Tölölyan, editor of Diaspora, a journal on diaspora published in Canada, less than four decades ago there were only three diasporas that researchers discussed: the Jewish community, Greek and Armenian communities. By 1998, the newspaper had many articles related to 36 communities that researchers considered to be, or self-identified as diasporas.

In order to understand the appropriateness and possibility of applying the word diaspora to the Vietnamese expatriate community today, it is necessary to first consider what are the essential properties of the word diaspora in general. Although widely used – the word Diaspora traditionally written with the letter D (uppercase) to refer to a particular Jewish phenomenon could have been written with the letter d (lowercase) in other cases – some of the essential features that make up the word are still retained by researchers. These are: 1) the phenomenon of dispersal of the population from one origin, 2) the collective memory of the old homeland as a symbol of a common identity, 3) a sense of a separate and lost self in the world. temporary country, 4) a legend of the country of origin that is regarded as the true homeland to return, and 5) a shared obligation to the homeland spiritually as well as materially.

Most researchers accept these properties. A few are so strict that they consider the world’s Chinese communities to be transnational communities rather than diasporas in the truest sense of the word.

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On the contrary, there are many scholars who disagree about the content being too limited and too tied to the history of this Jewish people. According to them, the concept of “homeland” that was considered essential to the Jewish exile was actually less important than the relationship between the exiles in the country of refuge, as was the case with Africans and or Chinese; or the miraculous development of the media has greatly alleviated the dissociation and alienation of expatriates, the distance between diasporas and home has been shortened; and many more things.

In short, the tendency to widen the meaning of the word ‘diaspora’ which holds that simply living far away from home and keeping economic, political, social, and emotional connections can be called “” diaspora”, regardless of the motivation to leave or the desire to return.

However, the question that can be raised here is how to distinguish it from other cases of living away from home such as immigration, expedition, study abroad or “work export” such as foreign workers. Vietnamese people abroad mentioned above?

In addition, Professor F. Riggs, an internationally respected expert on comparative public administration at the University of Hawaii whom we had the opportunity to consult when writing, pointed out two distinguishing features of diaspora and other types of diaspora. other forms of living away from home: informal and active. With unofficial standards, current Vietnamese government employees, international students, “labor export workers”, “cooperative workers”… cannot be considered Vietnamese diaspora.

Dynamic criteria further narrow the number of people belonging to diaspora; Only those who still maintain a connection with home-oriented activities, or who can potentially show this connection under conditions should be considered Vietnamese diaspora. Although strict and limited, these two characteristics will help to make the name Vietnamese diaspora more coherent and meaningful.

In short, for the majority of the community of over 2 million Vietnamese people living here and there around the world, it is clear that even if we accept the strictest definition, we can still call it “Vietnamese diaspora” based on The factors of motivation and circumstances of departure, the process of formation, and especially the thoughts and aspirations of the vast majority of Vietnamese living here and there around the world are expressed in literary works. art that some editors call “exile literature”.

In another article, author Nguyen Ba Tung analyzes the word “Viet Kieu” and the details that he believes are the limitations of this word.

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Hung Le, BrusselsI am not criticizing the article, but I would like to highlight a few special events in Vietnam today, about the ambiguity in the language, in order to deceive people both at home and abroad. That is the name “Viet Kieu”.

I have a relative who has been a communist refugee in the US since 1975 and now has US citizenship. Because he was old, he wanted to return to live in Vietnam, when he heard that the Hanoi government allowed overseas Vietnamese to buy a house. He sold his house in the US and bought a house in Saigon with the money.

After settling the money, he was caught in the trap of “Viet Kieu” in the laws of the Hanoi government. Because the word overseas Vietnamese to the Hanoi government, means “Vietnamese people who are allowed to go abroad to do business”, and communist refugees who already have American citizenship do not have the right to be called overseas Vietnamese. but should be called “Vietnamese Americans”. Today he returned to America to eat old money!

Therefore, communist refugees must be careful in everything when they collide with the Viet Cong government, under the name “Viet Kieu”.

Another story, told by an expatriate Vietnamese refugee in Paris. Encroaching on Vietnam, he went to buy a flight ticket from Hanoi to Saigon charged at the “Viet Kieu” price, which means that the fare for overseas Vietnamese is higher than for people in the country.

Seeing this, he asked the ticket saleswoman the reason for this difference? The government has ordered to abolish the difference in ticket prices for overseas Vietnamese. She sells tickets with flexible answers. “That’s right, that’s right, yes, sir, that’s right, we have heard, but until today we have not received the letter.”

So my overseas Vietnamese friend in Paris, for work, had to open his wallet to pay! It is said that in Vietnam today, from the employees at the ticketing desks, to even the law in the administration of the regime, it is really ambiguous and tricky!.

Hong Ha, Seoul, Korea In Vietnamese, many words are used very commonly but are semantically incorrect, for example the word “Tet”. This is completely normal as it has been officially used for a long time.

I’m just a purely technical person, but I support the forums of researchers to discuss in order to select and agree on the standard use of new vocabulary for Vietnamese. However, what already has a place in Vietnamese does not need to be reviewed.

If you look at the purely linguistic aspect, Mr. Nguyen Ba Tung’s article is completely normal. However, his intention still evokes “histology with history” in determining the semantics of words.

As I understand the plus phrase! The Vietnamese community abroad includes a wide range of people such as settlers (known as overseas Vietnamese), working (not only those who export labor, but also have many other forms such as trading, working, etc. Food is very popular in Eastern Europe, students stay to work after finishing school, etc.), study, work (people who are working for agencies in the country are sent, not only the government officials but also many other types such as employees of businesses, research agencies, etc.).

The phrase “Overseas Vietnamese” represents an inseparable part of the overseas Vietnamese community with the whole ethnic community. The word Viet Kieu or any other word, if it has been used for a long time and widely, then follow me c! ng does not need to be reviewed.

The word “information” is used today, quite different from its original meaning. Since computers and especially the internet were born and developed, the word “information” has taken on a new and much broader connotation. Many people have suggested replacing the word “exformation” to suit, but it will certainly not be accepted and also difficult to understand properly. Don’t “hate” the present with the past.

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